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Advancing Policies For Our Veterans

A Better Tomorrow

Advancing Policies For Our Veterans

A Better Tomorrow

Veteran Strong USA is focused on providing guidance, education, training, support and awareness for legislation that improves the lives of Veterans.

Veteran Strong USA is a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) Veteran organization.

All Veteran benefits start with legislation. Veteran Strong USA has one focus, "Improving The Lives of Veterans, Through Legislation." We've experienced great success developing Veteran legislative concepts, selecting Veteran friendly legislators to be our sponsors and consulting with them on the Veteran community at local, state and federal levels.

Your generous donations to Veteran Strong USA, ensures our work can continue for the entire Veteran community. EIN #88-2587524

We appreciate any donation: $10.00, $25.00, $50.00, $100.00 or more!

Our community serves the three categories below.

Our Veterans

Our goal is to focus on improving the lives of veterans, through legislation. Our community serves the three categories below.

Our Disabled Veterans

Our Disabled Veterans have unique benefits available to them. We must continue to protect their benefits; while also improving upon them.

Our Aging Veterans

We must continue to ensure our aging Veterans have the proper care and benefits for them to enjoy their lives.

Veteran Strong

The mission of Veteran Strong is to improve the lives of Veterans, through legislation. To accomplish this, we need maximum support from the California Veteran Community.

California is home to over 2 million Veterans. Imagine the legislative actions we can accomplish with the support of our fellow Veterans. Or, recruiting and supporting fellow Veterans to run for office.

No one represents the Veteran community better than a Veteran brother or sister.

Veteran Strong is bipartisan. We don’t involve ourselves in identity politics. You took the oath and that’s all that matters.
We intend to improve the lives of Veterans through legislation from your support. We will accomplish this by educating our Veteran brothers and sisters about legislation and the process.
Earned Veteran Benefits
Your benefits are earned through your oath. This is not an entitlement and therefor our legislative actions are to protect and defend those benefits.
Appropriate housing is vital to any growing and sustaining community like ours. CalVet has outstanding home benefits and loans available to qualified Veterans.

How To Support
Veteran Strong

After two years of legislative wins focused on the State of California’s Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) program, our leadership discovered there was plenty of work to be done for ALL veterans.

We’re not asking for your money. What we are asking for is your support in other ways, such as helping educate our fellow veterans on current legislation, support letter campaigns, and other various locational support when addressing elected officials.

So we may communicate with you, we are requesting your contact data and other information to help us with messaging to you via email regarding our legislative goals, policy development, process and successes in Sacramento.


Our Legislative Actions

County Policies

Orange County

Upgrade To The Veteran Hiring Program

In 2020 we worked with then OC Board of Supervisors Chairwoman, Michelle Steel's office with her District Director, Tim Whitacre, to upgrade the county Veteran hiring. Old policy was 5 points added to a Veteran applicant's overall score. New policy guarantees the Veteran, Veteran Spouse, a Disabled Veteran, Disabled Veteran Spouse and a deceased Veteran's spouse would receive an interview, regardless of how many applicants, providing they are qualified.

Adoption Of California's DVBE (Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise) Program

In 2020, we again worked with OC Board Of Supervisors, Chairwoman, Michelle Steel's District Director, Tim Whitacre to adopt the State of California's DVBE 3% utilization program on an MOU and combine that with their existing Local Small Business 5% utilization for a combined bid preference of 8%.

We're proud to announce the OC Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to adopt both programs. We want to thank all the Supervisors for their aye vote.

State Legislation


SB 1357

100% property tax exemption for our 100% DISABLED VETERANS. This bill has made it out of Senate Governmental Organization, Senate Committee on Military and Veteran Affairs and off suspense and out of Senate Appropriations. We're proud to work with Army Veteran, Senator Bob Archuleta.

SB 1478

Upgrading the Small Business and DVBE Option from $250k to $500k. This bill has made it out of Senate Governmental Organization, Senate Committee on Military and Veteran Affairs and off suspense and out of Senate Appropriations. The bill now heads to the Senate floor for vote. We're proud to work with Army Veteran, Senator Bob Archuleta on this bill.

SB 950

Upgrading the Small Business and DVBE Option from $250k to $500k. This bill has made it out of Senate Governmental Organization, Senate Committee on Military and Veteran Affairs and off suspense and out of Senate Appropriations. The bill now heads to the Senate floor for vote. We're proud to work with Army Veteran, Senator Bob Archuleta on this bill.

Federal Legislation

Year 2022

HR 6527

This bill is to create a minimum 10% VBE (Veteran Business Enterprise) utilization/bid preference for Veteran owned businesses nationwide, as it relates to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. We’re working with Congresswomen Michelle Steel (R)and Katie Porter (D).

Bills - Passed


We asked Senator Archuleta to sponsor our prime contractor DVBE utilization accountability bill. Our team was able to work with big labor to change some verbiage; which pushed our bill further. This bill did not make it out of Assembly. We want to revive this bill. Senator Archuleta is an Army Veteran.


This bill would require that information to include proof of payment for work done by the DVBE, upon request of the awarding department, and the amount and percentage of work the prime contractor committed to provide to one or more DVBEs under the contract. The bill would also require every state contract for which DVBE participation is included in the bid to contain a provision requiring the contractor to comply with all rules, regulations, ordinances, and statutes that apply to the California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program. Signed by the Governor, thank you Assemblyman and Army Veteran, Bill Brough.

AB 1365 - PASSED

AB 1365, Committee on Veterans Affairs. Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program.
Under existing law, the administering agency for the California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program is the Department of General Services, except in the case of contracts for professional bond services. Existing law requires the Director of General Services to adopt written policies and guidelines establishing a uniform process for state contracting to provide a disabled veteran business enterprise (DVBE) participation incentive to bidders, which all state agencies are required to use when awarding contracts. Existing law requires an awarding department, upon completion of an awarded contract for which a commitment to achieve a DVBE goal was made, to require the prime contractor that entered into a subcontract with a DVBE to certify to the awarding department specified information relating to amounts paid under the contract.
This bill would require an awarding department to maintain all records of the information provided by the prime contractor pursuant to these provisions and to retain the records for a minimum of 6 years after collection. The bill would direct the awarding department to establish appropriate review procedures for those records to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the award amounts and paid amounts reported.

Bills Not Passed

SB 364 - DIED

We partnered with Senator Stone to sponsor a property tax exemption bill for 100% Disabled Veterans and 65 and over. The bill was killed in appropriations because of the burden it caused county assessors with the salary restrictions of $100k married household and single $65k. We advised against this, because of the complications and the reality of Veterans being able to afford a home in California. We want to revive this bill.

AB 1809 - DIED

Our team was made aware of the Assembly Member Cervantes bill, which wasn’t good for the Small Business & DVBE option. We requested time to speak with the bill staffer and explained why the bill was bad for the SB/DVBE community. The bill staffer listened and changed up the entire bill. This bill made it further in the process, then in the past, but was ultimately killed due to some interagency conflicts. We will make adjustments and hope to find a sponsor who will carry it through to the Governor's desk.

SB 588 - DIED

We asked Senator Archuleta to sponsor our prime contractor DVBE utilization accountability bill. Our team was able to work with big labor to change some verbiage; which pushed our bill further. This bill did not make it out of Assembly. We want to revive this bill. Senator Archuleta is an Army Veteran.

Veteran Strong
Leadership Team

Ted Fuentes

USAF Veteran
Certified DVBE
Past CalVet Council Member
Former Policy & Legislative Chair, USVBA

Drake Muat

US Army Veteran, Vietnam Combat Veteran – Bronze Star, Army Commendation
Certified DVBE
Former Policy & Legislative Committee Member USVBA

Manny Montanez

US Army Veteran, Vietnam Combat Wounded – Purple Heart & Bronze Star For Valor
Certified DVBE
Former Policy & Legislative Committee Member, USVBA

Rene Cota

US Marine Corps Infantry Platoon Leader, Iraq
Certified DVBE
Former Executive Director for the Disabled Veteran’s Business Alliance
Implemented and managed the program “Veteran entrepreneur”
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VETERAN STRONGLocated in Sourthern California
501(c)(3) organization EIN 88-2587524

501(c)(3) organization
EIN 88-2587524

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